Friday, 20 June 2014

Shad&Baz and its rendezvous with roller derby

Sorry we've been a little slack here! But some exciting news, one of our very own Shad&Baz bows was featured in a roller derby promo video that came out just a couple of days ago!

                                             Check out the video here!

A little backstory to the video taken from the roller derby leagues page...

"Within these promotions, Pirate City Rollers (PCR) were trying to challenge the idea that derby is spectacle, fishnets, etc, the theme being defy expectation. So they decided that rather than use those stereotypes to garner interest, PCR intentionally used those 'props' to highlight that although that's what people have come to expect of roller derby, in the derby shots, you see no fishnets, no hot pants, no spectacle. You instead see helmets, safety gear, refs, team uniforms, a team of skaters....a sport to be respected....the girls defy expectation and break away from the traditional ideas commonly associated with our sport. And although they defy expectation and show you that it's about the game (and the sport), it also suggests you can be whatever rings true to you and still be a success in roller derby. No 'one' ideal defines what your players can be. #defyexpectation"